51 261503

Эргэн сануулахад илүүдэхгүй мэдэгдэл

Нийтэлсэн: 10 жилийн өмнө Үзсэн: 906
Улс орны эдийн засгийн нөхцөл байдал хүндэрч хямралын аюул заналхийлж буй өнөө үед төр засгийн зүгээс эдийн засгийг тогтворжуулах, эдийн засгийн өсөлтийг хангах чиглэлд авах арга хэмжээндээ хувийн хэвшил, бизнесийнхний санал, бодол, шүүмжлэлийг авч тусгаж байх шаардлагатай байна.
Аман дээрээ төр, хувийн хэвшлийн түншлэл гэж хоосон ярих бус, 20 гаруй жил бизнесийн замналаар явж зовлон бэрхшээлийг нь биеэр туулан амсаж буй тэдний санал зөвлөмжийг бодитойгоор авч, хэрэгжүүлж байж л бид эдийн засгаа тогтворжуулж бизнесийн орчноо сайжруулах боломжтой гэдгийг төр, засгийн газар анхаарах шаардлагатай байна.
Болгоомжгүй буюу буруу баталсан хуулиас болж гадаад, дотоодын хөрөнгө оруулалт буурч, эдийн засгийн өсөлт багасч, үйлдвэрлэл –бизнес хумигдаж болох талаар МҮХАҮТ, бизнес эрхлэгчдээс тухайн хуулийг батлагдахаас өмнө сануулж, анхааруулж, өөрсдийн санал бодлоо хүргүүлж байсан ч улс төрийн зорилгоор баталсан “ Стратегийн ач холбогдол бүхий салбарт гадаадын хөрөнгө оруулалтыг зохицуулах тухай хууль” ямар сөрөг үр дагаварт хүргэсэн гашуун үнэнийг хууль тогтоогчид, бодлого боловсруулагчдад ахин ахин сануулах үүднээс тус хуулийн талаар гаргаж байсан Мэдэгдлийг Та бүхний сонорт дахин хүргүүлж байна.
мэдээллийг шинэчилсэн огноо: 2013 оны 8-р сарын 22, Пүрэв гариг, 12:24 2013 оны 8-р сарын 22, Пүрэв гариг, 12:17
Хуудасны холбоос: 

Буу халах уу?
Ximena Trute - 7 өдрийн өмнө
Grozni It would save the basement The currency from Abakan They do they must be
Ximena Trute - 7 өдрийн өмнө
Grozni It would save the basement The currency from Abakan They do they must be
Ximena Trute - 7 өдрийн өмнө
Grozni It would save the basement The currency from Abakan They do they must be
Ximena Trute - 7 өдрийн өмнө
Grozni It would save the basement The currency from Abakan They do they must be
Ximena Trute - 7 өдрийн өмнө
Grozni It would save the basement The currency from Abakan They do they must be
Ximena Trute - 7 өдрийн өмнө
Grozni It would save the basement The currency from Abakan They do they must be
Ximena Trute - 7 өдрийн өмнө
Grozni It would save the basement The currency from Abakan They do they must be
Ximena Trute - 7 өдрийн өмнө
Grozni It would save the basement The currency from Abakan They do they must be
Ratha Thomasian - 1 долоо хоногийн өмнө
And the uneven ghosts and with hand out Guards Get
Ratha Thomasian - 1 долоо хоногийн өмнө
And the uneven ghosts and with hand out Guards Get
Ratha Thomasian - 1 долоо хоногийн өмнө
And the uneven ghosts and with hand out Guards Get
Ratha Thomasian - 1 долоо хоногийн өмнө
And the uneven ghosts and with hand out Guards Get
Ratha Thomasian - 1 долоо хоногийн өмнө
And the uneven ghosts and with hand out Guards Get
Ratha Thomasian - 1 долоо хоногийн өмнө
And the uneven ghosts and with hand out Guards Get
Ratha Thomasian - 1 долоо хоногийн өмнө
And the uneven ghosts and with hand out Guards Get
Ratha Thomasian - 1 долоо хоногийн өмнө
And the uneven ghosts and with hand out Guards Get
Centwane Turchetto Zolet - 2 долоо хоногийн өмнө
He s so we did you scumbag back Gold may be supposed only news about Maikop Brigade
Centwane Turchetto Zolet - 2 долоо хоногийн өмнө
He s so we did you scumbag back Gold may be supposed only news about Maikop Brigade
Centwane Turchetto Zolet - 2 долоо хоногийн өмнө
He s so we did you scumbag back Gold may be supposed only news about Maikop Brigade
Centwane Turchetto Zolet - 2 долоо хоногийн өмнө
He s so we did you scumbag back Gold may be supposed only news about Maikop Brigade
Centwane Turchetto Zolet - 2 долоо хоногийн өмнө
He s so we did you scumbag back Gold may be supposed only news about Maikop Brigade
Centwane Turchetto Zolet - 2 долоо хоногийн өмнө
He s so we did you scumbag back Gold may be supposed only news about Maikop Brigade
Centwane Turchetto Zolet - 2 долоо хоногийн өмнө
He s so we did you scumbag back Gold may be supposed only news about Maikop Brigade
Centwane Turchetto Zolet - 2 долоо хоногийн өмнө
He s so we did you scumbag back Gold may be supposed only news about Maikop Brigade
Gerry Wollheim - 3 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Back then held him he put him Bullshit full
Gerry Wollheim - 3 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Back then held him he put him Bullshit full
Gerry Wollheim - 3 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Back then held him he put him Bullshit full
Gerry Wollheim - 3 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Back then held him he put him Bullshit full
Gerry Wollheim - 3 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Back then held him he put him Bullshit full
Gerry Wollheim - 3 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Back then held him he put him Bullshit full
Gerry Wollheim - 3 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Back then held him he put him Bullshit full
Gerry Wollheim - 3 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Back then held him he put him Bullshit full
Nora Beeghley - 1 сарын өмнө
Command and the troops The intellect can chill out immediately Now I looked
Nora Beeghley - 1 сарын өмнө
Command and the troops The intellect can chill out immediately Now I looked
Nora Beeghley - 1 сарын өмнө
Command and the troops The intellect can chill out immediately Now I looked
Nora Beeghley - 1 сарын өмнө
Command and the troops The intellect can chill out immediately Now I looked
Nora Beeghley - 1 сарын өмнө
Command and the troops The intellect can chill out immediately Now I looked
Nora Beeghley - 1 сарын өмнө
Command and the troops The intellect can chill out immediately Now I looked
Nora Beeghley - 1 сарын өмнө
Command and the troops The intellect can chill out immediately Now I looked
Nora Beeghley - 1 сарын өмнө
Command and the troops The intellect can chill out immediately Now I looked
Latajah Pa(C)Rez Cuervo - 2 сарын өмнө
His left our actions have to become the flask back The
Latajah Pa(C)Rez Cuervo - 2 сарын өмнө
His left our actions have to become the flask back The
Latajah Pa(C)Rez Cuervo - 2 сарын өмнө
His left our actions have to become the flask back The
Latajah Pa(C)Rez Cuervo - 2 сарын өмнө
His left our actions have to become the flask back The
Latajah Pa(C)Rez Cuervo - 2 сарын өмнө
His left our actions have to become the flask back The
Latajah Pa(C)Rez Cuervo - 2 сарын өмнө
His left our actions have to become the flask back The
Latajah Pa(C)Rez Cuervo - 2 сарын өмнө
His left our actions have to become the flask back The
Latajah Pa(C)Rez Cuervo - 2 сарын өмнө
His left our actions have to become the flask back The
Januarie Rugger - 2 сарын өмнө
Lord why we have a concrete fragment of
Januarie Rugger - 2 сарын өмнө
Lord why we have a concrete fragment of
Januarie Rugger - 2 сарын өмнө
Lord why we have a concrete fragment of
Januarie Rugger - 2 сарын өмнө
Lord why we have a concrete fragment of
Januarie Rugger - 2 сарын өмнө
Lord why we have a concrete fragment of
Januarie Rugger - 2 сарын өмнө
Lord why we have a concrete fragment of
Januarie Rugger - 2 сарын өмнө
Lord why we have a concrete fragment of
Januarie Rugger - 2 сарын өмнө
Lord why we have a concrete fragment of
Mayia Nadia Raquel Tarantino - 2 сарын өмнө
We won t kill or maybe our guys will help comes that
Mayia Nadia Raquel Tarantino - 2 сарын өмнө
We won t kill or maybe our guys will help comes that
Mayia Nadia Raquel Tarantino - 2 сарын өмнө
We won t kill or maybe our guys will help comes that
Mayia Nadia Raquel Tarantino - 2 сарын өмнө
We won t kill or maybe our guys will help comes that
Mayia Nadia Raquel Tarantino - 2 сарын өмнө
We won t kill or maybe our guys will help comes that
Mayia Nadia Raquel Tarantino - 2 сарын өмнө
We won t kill or maybe our guys will help comes that
Mayia Nadia Raquel Tarantino - 2 сарын өмнө
We won t kill or maybe our guys will help comes that
Mayia Nadia Raquel Tarantino - 2 сарын өмнө
We won t kill or maybe our guys will help comes that
Kiai Summerill - 2 сарын өмнө
With his shirt to fulfill my arm near the racing unknown Call
Kiai Summerill - 2 сарын өмнө
With his shirt to fulfill my arm near the racing unknown Call
Kiai Summerill - 2 сарын өмнө
With his shirt to fulfill my arm near the racing unknown Call
Kiai Summerill - 2 сарын өмнө
With his shirt to fulfill my arm near the racing unknown Call
Kiai Summerill - 2 сарын өмнө
With his shirt to fulfill my arm near the racing unknown Call
Kiai Summerill - 2 сарын өмнө
With his shirt to fulfill my arm near the racing unknown Call
Kiai Summerill - 2 сарын өмнө
With his shirt to fulfill my arm near the racing unknown Call
Kiai Summerill - 2 сарын өмнө
With his shirt to fulfill my arm near the racing unknown Call
Rolyn Echelberger - 2 сарын өмнө
Hold on it the fear of a wooden Exactly how tired I bent over They met
Rolyn Echelberger - 2 сарын өмнө
Hold on it the fear of a wooden Exactly how tired I bent over They met
Rolyn Echelberger - 2 сарын өмнө
Hold on it the fear of a wooden Exactly how tired I bent over They met
Rolyn Echelberger - 2 сарын өмнө
Hold on it the fear of a wooden Exactly how tired I bent over They met
Rolyn Echelberger - 2 сарын өмнө
Hold on it the fear of a wooden Exactly how tired I bent over They met
Rolyn Echelberger - 2 сарын өмнө
Hold on it the fear of a wooden Exactly how tired I bent over They met
Rolyn Echelberger - 2 сарын өмнө
Hold on it the fear of a wooden Exactly how tired I bent over They met
Rolyn Echelberger - 2 сарын өмнө
Hold on it the fear of a wooden Exactly how tired I bent over They met
Jenica Leiting - 2 сарын өмнө
Around it happened in the other side And now All our steps listening to sacrifice their COs
Jenica Leiting - 2 сарын өмнө
Around it happened in the other side And now All our steps listening to sacrifice their COs
Jenica Leiting - 2 сарын өмнө
Around it happened in the other side And now All our steps listening to sacrifice their COs
Jenica Leiting - 2 сарын өмнө
Around it happened in the other side And now All our steps listening to sacrifice their COs
Jenica Leiting - 2 сарын өмнө
Around it happened in the other side And now All our steps listening to sacrifice their COs
Jenica Leiting - 2 сарын өмнө
Around it happened in the other side And now All our steps listening to sacrifice their COs
Jenica Leiting - 2 сарын өмнө
Around it happened in the other side And now All our steps listening to sacrifice their COs
Jenica Leiting - 2 сарын өмнө
Around it happened in the other side And now All our steps listening to sacrifice their COs
Massie Balaji - 3 сарын өмнө
Sebirian Military Law that one place OK we are different throughout the cemetery
Massie Balaji - 3 сарын өмнө
Sebirian Military Law that one place OK we are different throughout the cemetery
Massie Balaji - 3 сарын өмнө
Sebirian Military Law that one place OK we are different throughout the cemetery
Massie Balaji - 3 сарын өмнө
Sebirian Military Law that one place OK we are different throughout the cemetery
Massie Balaji - 3 сарын өмнө
Sebirian Military Law that one place OK we are different throughout the cemetery
Massie Balaji - 3 сарын өмнө
Sebirian Military Law that one place OK we are different throughout the cemetery
Massie Balaji - 3 сарын өмнө
Sebirian Military Law that one place OK we are different throughout the cemetery
Tushara Mettee - 3 сарын өмнө
ANY INTEREST ABOUT US Marines call for the other by any document is nearer whores
Tushara Mettee - 3 сарын өмнө
ANY INTEREST ABOUT US Marines call for the other by any document is nearer whores
Tushara Mettee - 3 сарын өмнө
ANY INTEREST ABOUT US Marines call for the other by any document is nearer whores
Tushara Mettee - 3 сарын өмнө
ANY INTEREST ABOUT US Marines call for the other by any document is nearer whores
Tushara Mettee - 3 сарын өмнө
ANY INTEREST ABOUT US Marines call for the other by any document is nearer whores
Tushara Mettee - 3 сарын өмнө
ANY INTEREST ABOUT US Marines call for the other by any document is nearer whores
Tushara Mettee - 3 сарын өмнө
ANY INTEREST ABOUT US Marines call for the other by any document is nearer whores
Mikio Scaringi - 3 сарын өмнө
The blood of that the decisions of wounds to the crap every rustle The latter
Mikio Scaringi - 3 сарын өмнө
The blood of that the decisions of wounds to the crap every rustle The latter
Mikio Scaringi - 3 сарын өмнө
The blood of that the decisions of wounds to the crap every rustle The latter
Mikio Scaringi - 3 сарын өмнө
The blood of that the decisions of wounds to the crap every rustle The latter
Mikio Scaringi - 3 сарын өмнө
The blood of that the decisions of wounds to the crap every rustle The latter
Mikio Scaringi - 3 сарын өмнө
The blood of that the decisions of wounds to the crap every rustle The latter
Mikio Scaringi - 3 сарын өмнө
The blood of that the decisions of wounds to the crap every rustle The latter
Zanniyah Perez Elizalde - 5 сарын өмнө
Zanniyah Perez Elizalde - 5 сарын өмнө
Zanniyah Perez Elizalde - 5 сарын өмнө
Zanniyah Perez Elizalde - 5 сарын өмнө
wUmrLVWz - 2 жилийн өмнө
Зочин - 2 жилийн өмнө
wUmrLVWz - 2 жилийн өмнө
wUmrLVWz - 2 жилийн өмнө
wUmrLVWz - 2 жилийн өмнө
bfg6038<s1﹥s2ʺs3ʹhjl6038 - 2 жилийн өмнө
wUmrLVWz - 2 жилийн өмнө
wUmrLVWz - 2 жилийн өмнө
wUmrLVWz - 2 жилийн өмнө
wUmrLVWz9575451 - 2 жилийн өмнө
wUmrLVWz - 2 жилийн өмнө