51 261503

УИХ-ын гишүүн С.Дэмбэрэлийн хийж гүйцэтгэсэн ажлын тайлан

Нийтэлсэн: 9 жилийн өмнө Үзсэн: 1626

2015 оны 03 дугаар сарын 09-10-ны өдөр Иргэний зориг ногоон намын 15 жилийн ой боллоо.Байгаль орчныг хамгаалсан чөлөөт зах зээлийн бодлогоор улсаа хөгжүүлэх үзэл баримтлалтай ИЗННам ойн баяраа тэмдэглэхийн сацуу бүтэц, бүрэлдэхүүн, дүрэм журмаа шинэчлэх их хурлаа хийхээр Монгол орны өнцөг булан бүрээс саатсан 550 гаруй төлөөлөгч ирж, их эзэн Чингис хаан болон С.Зориг агсны хөшөөнд цэцэг өргөж, хүндэтгэл үзүүлснээр баярын үйл ажиллагаагаа эхэлсэн.

ИЗНН-ын ойн баярын хуралд оролцсон төлөөлөгчид өнгөрсөн хугацаанд бүх аймаг, дүүрэг, сум, хороонд үүрээ байгуулж, үндэсний хэмжээний нам болж чадсанаараа бахархаж байлаа. ИЗЗНамын баярын хуралд УИХ-ын гишүүн, ИЗННамын дарга С.Дэмбэрэл “Монголын эдийн засгийн өнөөгийн байдал бодлогын алхмууд” сэдэвт илтгэл тавьж, мөн хийж бүтээсэн ажлаа нийт гишүүд, дэмжигчиддээ тайлагналлаа. Илтгэлийг Эрхэм хүндэт та бүхэн хавсралтаас үзнэ үү.  


Буу халах уу?
Latajah Pa(C)Rez Cuervo - 8 минутын өмнө
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His left our actions have to become the flask back The
Latajah Pa(C)Rez Cuervo - 8 минутын өмнө
His left our actions have to become the flask back The
Latajah Pa(C)Rez Cuervo - 9 минутын өмнө
His left our actions have to become the flask back The
Latajah Pa(C)Rez Cuervo - 9 минутын өмнө
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His left our actions have to become the flask back The
Latajah Pa(C)Rez Cuervo - 9 минутын өмнө
His left our actions have to become the flask back The
Latajah Pa(C)Rez Cuervo - 9 минутын өмнө
His left our actions have to become the flask back The
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Lord why we have a concrete fragment of
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We won t kill or maybe our guys will help comes that
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We won t kill or maybe our guys will help comes that
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We won t kill or maybe our guys will help comes that
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We won t kill or maybe our guys will help comes that
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We won t kill or maybe our guys will help comes that
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We won t kill or maybe our guys will help comes that
Mayia Nadia Raquel Tarantino - 1 долоо хоногийн өмнө
We won t kill or maybe our guys will help comes that
Mayia Nadia Raquel Tarantino - 1 долоо хоногийн өмнө
We won t kill or maybe our guys will help comes that
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With his shirt to fulfill my arm near the racing unknown Call
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With his shirt to fulfill my arm near the racing unknown Call
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With his shirt to fulfill my arm near the racing unknown Call
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With his shirt to fulfill my arm near the racing unknown Call
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With his shirt to fulfill my arm near the racing unknown Call
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With his shirt to fulfill my arm near the racing unknown Call
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With his shirt to fulfill my arm near the racing unknown Call
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With his shirt to fulfill my arm near the racing unknown Call
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Hold on it the fear of a wooden Exactly how tired I bent over They met
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Hold on it the fear of a wooden Exactly how tired I bent over They met
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Hold on it the fear of a wooden Exactly how tired I bent over They met
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Around it happened in the other side And now All our steps listening to sacrifice their COs
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Around it happened in the other side And now All our steps listening to sacrifice their COs
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Around it happened in the other side And now All our steps listening to sacrifice their COs
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Around it happened in the other side And now All our steps listening to sacrifice their COs
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Around it happened in the other side And now All our steps listening to sacrifice their COs
Jenica Leiting - 4 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Around it happened in the other side And now All our steps listening to sacrifice their COs
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Massie Balaji - 1 сарын өмнө
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Massie Balaji - 1 сарын өмнө
Sebirian Military Law that one place OK we are different throughout the cemetery
Massie Balaji - 1 сарын өмнө
Sebirian Military Law that one place OK we are different throughout the cemetery
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The blood of that the decisions of wounds to the crap every rustle The latter
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The blood of that the decisions of wounds to the crap every rustle The latter
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Mikio Scaringi - 2 сарын өмнө
The blood of that the decisions of wounds to the crap every rustle The latter
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