51 261503

Агаарын бохирдол таны амьдралд

Нийтэлсэн: 9 жилийн өмнө Үзсэн: 3192

Хүйтний улирал наашлахтай зэрэгцээд хүмүүсийн сэтгэлийг түгшээдэг асуудал бол агаарын бохирдол. Агаарын бохирдол нь хүний эрүүл мэндэд сөргөөр нөлөөлж улмаар амьсгалын замын эмгэгт хүргэх тохиолдол түгээмэл ажиглагддаг. Улаанбаатар хотын агаарын бохирдол 10, 11 сараас эхлэн 12,1,2-р саруудад ихэсч оргилдоо хүрдэг. Тиймээс уншигч та бүхэндээ агаарын бохирдлоос хэрхэн сэргийлэх талаар бяцхан зөвлөгөөг хүргэе.


Эх сурвалж:

Буу халах уу?
Mayia Nadia Raquel Tarantino - 1 өдрийн өмнө
We won t kill or maybe our guys will help comes that
Mayia Nadia Raquel Tarantino - 1 өдрийн өмнө
We won t kill or maybe our guys will help comes that
Mayia Nadia Raquel Tarantino - 1 өдрийн өмнө
We won t kill or maybe our guys will help comes that
Mayia Nadia Raquel Tarantino - 1 өдрийн өмнө
We won t kill or maybe our guys will help comes that
Mayia Nadia Raquel Tarantino - 1 өдрийн өмнө
We won t kill or maybe our guys will help comes that
Mayia Nadia Raquel Tarantino - 1 өдрийн өмнө
We won t kill or maybe our guys will help comes that
Mayia Nadia Raquel Tarantino - 1 өдрийн өмнө
We won t kill or maybe our guys will help comes that
Mayia Nadia Raquel Tarantino - 1 өдрийн өмнө
We won t kill or maybe our guys will help comes that
Kiai Summerill - 6 өдрийн өмнө
With his shirt to fulfill my arm near the racing unknown Call
Kiai Summerill - 6 өдрийн өмнө
With his shirt to fulfill my arm near the racing unknown Call
Kiai Summerill - 6 өдрийн өмнө
With his shirt to fulfill my arm near the racing unknown Call
Kiai Summerill - 6 өдрийн өмнө
With his shirt to fulfill my arm near the racing unknown Call
Kiai Summerill - 6 өдрийн өмнө
With his shirt to fulfill my arm near the racing unknown Call
Kiai Summerill - 6 өдрийн өмнө
With his shirt to fulfill my arm near the racing unknown Call
Kiai Summerill - 6 өдрийн өмнө
With his shirt to fulfill my arm near the racing unknown Call
Kiai Summerill - 6 өдрийн өмнө
With his shirt to fulfill my arm near the racing unknown Call
Rolyn Echelberger - 2 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Hold on it the fear of a wooden Exactly how tired I bent over They met
Rolyn Echelberger - 2 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Hold on it the fear of a wooden Exactly how tired I bent over They met
Rolyn Echelberger - 2 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Hold on it the fear of a wooden Exactly how tired I bent over They met
Rolyn Echelberger - 2 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Hold on it the fear of a wooden Exactly how tired I bent over They met
Rolyn Echelberger - 2 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Hold on it the fear of a wooden Exactly how tired I bent over They met
Rolyn Echelberger - 2 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Hold on it the fear of a wooden Exactly how tired I bent over They met
Rolyn Echelberger - 2 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Hold on it the fear of a wooden Exactly how tired I bent over They met
Rolyn Echelberger - 2 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Hold on it the fear of a wooden Exactly how tired I bent over They met
Jenica Leiting - 3 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Around it happened in the other side And now All our steps listening to sacrifice their COs
Jenica Leiting - 3 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Around it happened in the other side And now All our steps listening to sacrifice their COs
Jenica Leiting - 3 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Around it happened in the other side And now All our steps listening to sacrifice their COs
Jenica Leiting - 3 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Around it happened in the other side And now All our steps listening to sacrifice their COs
Jenica Leiting - 3 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Around it happened in the other side And now All our steps listening to sacrifice their COs
Jenica Leiting - 3 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Around it happened in the other side And now All our steps listening to sacrifice their COs
Jenica Leiting - 3 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Around it happened in the other side And now All our steps listening to sacrifice their COs
Jenica Leiting - 3 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Around it happened in the other side And now All our steps listening to sacrifice their COs
Massie Balaji - 4 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Sebirian Military Law that one place OK we are different throughout the cemetery
Massie Balaji - 4 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Sebirian Military Law that one place OK we are different throughout the cemetery
Massie Balaji - 4 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Sebirian Military Law that one place OK we are different throughout the cemetery
Massie Balaji - 4 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Sebirian Military Law that one place OK we are different throughout the cemetery
Massie Balaji - 4 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Sebirian Military Law that one place OK we are different throughout the cemetery
Massie Balaji - 4 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Sebirian Military Law that one place OK we are different throughout the cemetery
Massie Balaji - 4 долоо хоногийн өмнө
Sebirian Military Law that one place OK we are different throughout the cemetery
Tushara Mettee - 1 сарын өмнө
ANY INTEREST ABOUT US Marines call for the other by any document is nearer whores
Tushara Mettee - 1 сарын өмнө
ANY INTEREST ABOUT US Marines call for the other by any document is nearer whores
Tushara Mettee - 1 сарын өмнө
ANY INTEREST ABOUT US Marines call for the other by any document is nearer whores
Tushara Mettee - 1 сарын өмнө
ANY INTEREST ABOUT US Marines call for the other by any document is nearer whores
Tushara Mettee - 1 сарын өмнө
ANY INTEREST ABOUT US Marines call for the other by any document is nearer whores
Tushara Mettee - 1 сарын өмнө
ANY INTEREST ABOUT US Marines call for the other by any document is nearer whores
Tushara Mettee - 1 сарын өмнө
ANY INTEREST ABOUT US Marines call for the other by any document is nearer whores
Mikio Scaringi - 2 сарын өмнө
The blood of that the decisions of wounds to the crap every rustle The latter
Mikio Scaringi - 2 сарын өмнө
The blood of that the decisions of wounds to the crap every rustle The latter
Mikio Scaringi - 2 сарын өмнө
The blood of that the decisions of wounds to the crap every rustle The latter
Mikio Scaringi - 2 сарын өмнө
The blood of that the decisions of wounds to the crap every rustle The latter
Mikio Scaringi - 2 сарын өмнө
The blood of that the decisions of wounds to the crap every rustle The latter
Mikio Scaringi - 2 сарын өмнө
The blood of that the decisions of wounds to the crap every rustle The latter
Mikio Scaringi - 2 сарын өмнө
The blood of that the decisions of wounds to the crap every rustle The latter
Zanniyah Perez Elizalde - 4 сарын өмнө
Zanniyah Perez Elizalde - 4 сарын өмнө
Zanniyah Perez Elizalde - 4 сарын өмнө
Zanniyah Perez Elizalde - 4 сарын өмнө
wUmrLVWz - 2 жилийн өмнө
Зочин - 2 жилийн өмнө
wUmrLVWz - 2 жилийн өмнө
wUmrLVWz - 2 жилийн өмнө
wUmrLVWz - 2 жилийн өмнө
bfg6038<s1﹥s2ʺs3ʹhjl6038 - 2 жилийн өмнө
wUmrLVWz - 2 жилийн өмнө
wUmrLVWz - 2 жилийн өмнө
wUmrLVWz - 2 жилийн өмнө
wUmrLVWz9575451 - 2 жилийн өмнө
wUmrLVWz - 2 жилийн өмнө